Carole Lévesque


20/037 x Warch(ée)

What is your approach on teaching architecture? How is the relation between theory and practice ?

There are many ways to begin a project, be it of design or research, but we must first ask a good question. Not so much about what is required by the project, but what it is we are trying to figure out with the help of the project. Just like we ask researchers how their work contributes to knowledge, I think we should ask how one’s architecture contributes to the world. That’s how I try to approach teaching: helping students figure out how to be designers who don’t take things for granted and who contribute something beyond yet again another building. In my teaching as in my own work, theory and practice go hand in hand, where a question finds answers through research and design, giving clues to each other on how to move forward. It is an iterative process in which one needs to be willing to engage with disciplines other than our own and willing to accept that we don’t always have a clear idea of where we’re heading.

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